Certified Coach helping clients shift their mindset and fall in love with who they truly are.
I’m so incredibly excited to welcome my beautiful friend and queen of sparkle, Autumn Wade, as the next guest in the CONNECT series. A breath of fresh air in the world of coaches, and a constant reminder of what it looks like to do the work and not just talk about it. Autumn is an active champion and true ally – I’m lucky to be a part of her village.
What brought you to this work?
It was never a choice. For lack of better words it feels like I was bred to be a coach. I have so many gifts I received from my grandparents and parents. It is who I am, who I can't help but be. I am in awe at the awesomeness that exists in each person. Even people that it would be easy to hate or dismiss, I can't help but think about what lies underneath and feel a longing to help them break down the walls that are blocking them. Seeing a person fall in love with something they have been ashamed of most of their life is better than any other feeling I have experienced.
What do you feel is important about the coaching work you do?
I believe every single person deserves to love who they are and advocate for themselves. Our society trains that out of us. It fills our head with "shoulds" and each day we take those pieces of us that are "other" and hide them away. We then beat ourselves up for not being who we "should" be. We take the things that make us awesome and fulfilled and we shame ourselves for it. We bully ourselves in ways we would never accept for others and still don't understand why we aren't happy. We are tricked into supporting these broken systems that don't support us. By embracing who we are, messiness and all, we are able to ignore the "shoulds", advocate for ourselves, and enjoy our life. I keep thinking: "What would our communities be like if people no longer made decisions from a place of fear or "should"?"
What do you feel is the best time for someone to work with a coach?
This is hard as I believe anytime they can do the work is a great time for coaching. I will always recommend coaching when a transition is coming or has occurred (for example, changing roles, moving, or grieving any kind of loss.) Ideally coaching will start before the transition occurs so they can proactively set up structures for themselves and experience the transition in as smooth a way as possible.
What do you hope clients gain from working with you?
I hope my clients see how incredibly awesome they are and never do something because they "should" ever again.
What's something that inspires you that you'd like to share?
I am so inspired by people. My #1 value is village. My courageous clients inspire me to keep doing the work & I always learn something about myself. My coach community inspires me to stay fearless and have fun! I see people every day who are showing up, using their voice, building up others, or simply making it through the day. I can't not be inspired by that.
What are you most excited about right now?
I love bringing play into anything I can, especially things that may be hard or not as fun to do. I just launched Coaches & Dragons with my fellow coach and D&D player, Jerod Turner. We help gamers, geeks, and nerds experience life as a bold adventure by translating roleplaying games into tools for self-discovery and action. It is a new level of awesome to be able to use the games we love to positively impact the community we love.
About Autumn –

I'm a certified coach, norm breaker, d&d player, and love changing how people see themselves.
I spent most of my life stopping myself from doing things I wanted to do. On the outside I was a ray of sunshine helping others grow & thrive. On the inside, I was struggling.
A 15-minute coaching demo changed my life when the coach helped me see that who I am is awesome and the me I thought I should be would never make me happy.
I have helped clients fall in love with things they have been ashamed of for most of their life.
Consider me your personal glitter bomb. Like glitter, the things you learn will never go away.
Find Autumn at - autumnwade.com and coachesanddragons.com


Autumn Wade